Monthly Archives: June 2009

2014 World Cup, in Brazil!

Yes, we are going to have a FIFA world cup and it’s going to happen here in Brazil. Very exciting for us… and there is some reasons.

Finally gonna say some bad things about Brazil, there is no perfect places in the world, and Brazil it’s far from being one, just a little bit of reality. And you all know how amazing Brazil actually is.

FIFA choose, today (31/05) in Bahamas, 12 capitals from our 27 states that are going to host games from the 2014 soccer world cup. Take a look in the image below to see which ones they’ve got.

From Blog Supplies

Well, here in my town we have two big soccer teams, Internacional and GrĂªmio, if you are following here you know that I’m from the first one. They picked our stadium to have the matches on. That’s an honor. But it is not the first time, this is the second world cup in Brazil, we had another one in 1950 (we lost in the final to Uruguay.) Very sad, but I wasn’t alive so… wherever :p

That’s a up-date project of BEIRA-RIO to the cup. BEIRA-RIO means (in front of the river, guess why :p)

The bad part start now. We are a third world country, so we don’t have infra-structure to be a place to have a world cup these days. That’s sad, but true. We don’t have hospitals and schools enough for our children and elder people, but we are going to spend TRILLIONS of dollars building stadiums, hotels, restaurants, maybe roads; and all that for a one month championship that ‘gringos’ are going to come here and spend some money in our country.

I know it’s a little bit rough what I’m saying, but I can’t stand this kind of thing. We have to be ‘happy’ because the politicians are doing this instead of using this money to improve people lifes’. I know that if we weren’t hosting this event we wouldn’t even have these improvements in our cities, which is why I get pissed off.

After all I’m happy anyways because I will be able to, maybe, go to a world cup game in my town đŸ˜€ Let’s say this is a Brazilian Dream lol.

Last but not least, take a look in the pre-Cup Logo, it’s pretty nice, I really liked it.

By the way, we say Brazil, with an ‘S’. Not gonna go into Portuguese grammar details :p

It was good to complain, last post I said my Canadian audience was weak and I had 3 Canadian comments \o/

Obrigado, ttyl

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