Monthly Archives: June 2009

there is no time :p

It’s been a while I can’t write anything here! It’s because I’m doing a bunch of stuff here… and I would like to show one thing that just got ready. I’m producing 2 book covers, one brand and one website for a very small company. Those are the reason why I’m not having the time to write here… But I will stop excusing my self and show the work I did and start writing more often here!

My father has a column in a online newspaper, and he got all his articles and organized in a book. The name is a reference to that, and that’s a reason because is his face silhouette in the cover. Well at least I posted something! I hope I can post more this week! I wanna talk more about that place that I did the video in the last post

Obrigado, ttyl.

Brazilian South Country side

I was away for a few days because I went to my girlfriend’s farm. It’s a quiet and nice place around 300 km from were I live. We spent 4 very relaxed days there. I took very nice pictures to show here this week. I will start with a video that I did today. It’s simple but I think it’s nice because it shows the way we travel to get there and also some nice things that we have there.

Just for the record: I produced the song for this movie, the map animation in flash and all the videos and pictures in it. 🙂

I hope you like it, I haven’t had the opportunity to go to Canada’s country side, only in the winter. I would like to see it. I bet Kingstonians will say that I know Canada’s country side because I went to Kingston ¬¬ hehehehe

oh, you can see more pictures clicking HERE.

Obrigado, ttyl.

Valentines Day

When I was in Canada we had the Valentines day; it’s not the same date as Brazil; here we celebrate on June 12. The date is not the only thing that is different; the Brazilian Valentines day has a different concept.

Here it’s more about Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and in Canada is more about love to everybody. I was wondering which would be a good way to show this difference to people that don’t live here… And I think I had a good idea.

Advertising is a reflection of the society, mainly culturally. So I’m going to show a couple of ads that show a bit of this boyfriend and girlfriend thing:

Valentines Day Iguatemi. Show that your love is FLEX: powered by luck and passion.

“Lovers use because they love” / Clothing store.

I hope the illustration helped! If you want more examples or it wasn’t enough, please let me know!

I’m traveling today to my girlfriend farm, so I will be out of town/internet until sunday. So if someone need something shoot a e-mail and wait :p I hope I can get good info for the blog over there, I’m taking the camera with me!

Obrigado, ttyl

Brazilian Junk Food

North Americans are not the only people that are experts in junk food. We have a say here in Brazil that: We copy everything from everybody all over the world, but we do it better. It’s a joke but you will understand in a bit. Brazilian Junk food is a little bit different from North American’s. First of all: It has to be big and have a BIG variety of ingredients! You will understand in a bit. The other characteristic is that we can produce anywhere. We have TONS of small business only producing this two meals.

Let’s start with one that you all know pretty well: HOT DOG, in Portuguese we say ‘Cachorro-quente’ which means exactly the same thing. The difference is inside the bun. A true Hot Dog in a Brazilian style has at least these items: Bun, tomato sauce, sausage, corn, pea, boiled and smashed eggs, mayonnaise, parmesan and shoestring-potatoes (it’s like very thin chips.)


This is a big one, and VERY good!

This is the basic recipe the final result it’s very tasty. That’s why I ate only one hot dog in Canada, it was only a sausage and the bun with ketchup… :p We Brazilians are at least creative.

She will kill me because of this picture :p

The second dish of today is more local and it will remember one that we all know. This is called ‘XIS’ which might remind you of a Hamburger, but in the Brazilian way (we copied the hamburger and made it ‘better’)

In a ‘XIS’ we have: Special bun, mayonnaise, hamburger meat, lettuce, tomato, fried egg, ham, pea and corn. Again, this is the basic one; we have several types of recipe for this meal. We can change the meat, sauce, fill etc…


 You’ll never go wrong with a ‘Salad XIS’, it’s traditional.

XIS you can mostly find in this south Brazil region. I have some friends that moved out from my state and they still can’t stop thinking about it :p

I hope you’re all hungry, because I need one of those right now! :p

Obrigado, ttyl

Great party!

Let’s get some creeping Ricardo’s life going here… hehehe

Remember the my cousin 15 year old party? Well, I got the pictures to show here… It was a pretty big party and very fun. Very traditional to my family standards…

My cousin, Luísa, had a complete party:

Guest reception:

Remember the banner? Oh, she is the girl between me and my brother (red ties)

After the reception we had dinner, very good one:

very good steak btw

After the dinner she (lulu) dance waltz with 15 men of her life and gave flowers to 15 women of her life as well. This was the traditional/all women crying moment. :p

I swear this was the best looking picture :p (there are more here)

When all this was done, we started the real party 😉 My little cousin changed her dress for the third time, and she entered the saloon again with style and fire (literally.)

See the silver dress and the fire? cool eh?

We just danced until 4am and that was pretty much our night. It was very fun… I hope we have more of those while I’m here… Well, you can check out more photos clicking HERE!


Obrigado, ttyl!

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