Great party!

Let’s get some creeping Ricardo’s life going here… hehehe

Remember the my cousin 15 year old party? Well, I got the pictures to show here… It was a pretty big party and very fun. Very traditional to my family standards…

My cousin, Luísa, had a complete party:

Guest reception:

Remember the banner? Oh, she is the girl between me and my brother (red ties)

After the reception we had dinner, very good one:

very good steak btw

After the dinner she (lulu) dance waltz with 15 men of her life and gave flowers to 15 women of her life as well. This was the traditional/all women crying moment. :p

I swear this was the best looking picture :p (there are more here)

When all this was done, we started the real party 😉 My little cousin changed her dress for the third time, and she entered the saloon again with style and fire (literally.)

See the silver dress and the fire? cool eh?

We just danced until 4am and that was pretty much our night. It was very fun… I hope we have more of those while I’m here… Well, you can check out more photos clicking HERE!


Obrigado, ttyl!

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