Tudo sobre a viagem que vou fazer para o canadá.
Everything about my trip to Canada.
Tudo sobre a viagem que vou fazer para o canadá.
Everything about my trip to Canada.
Here we go, summer again. In the “winter” here during the day the lowest temperature is 28ºC. So imagine where everybody were?
This is one small beach by the city of Salvador
My mother and stepfather joined me and Carol today. We walked on the beach and all along the shore. The lighthouse is very nice here and there are TONS of people today.
You can see the lighthouse in the back.
Today we walked in Pelourinho, the place MICHAEL JACKSON recorded a video clip of the song “They don’t care about us”.
Here we are in the central spot of place he recorded the song.
To finish the day in great “Baiano” style we ate a SHRIMP MIX, it was incredible, 4 kinds of shrimp and nice sidings.
Tomorrow we are going to stay on a beach a little longer… hopefully gonna get some tan :p
Ah, you can see more pictures clicking HERE.
This month completes 14 months that I’m “stuck” on only two seasons. I don’t know what is beach for more than a year and a half now. But this is going to change! Today I’m getting into an airplane and going to the northeast of Brazil… this means that I’m flying around 4 hours and my scenario will change quite a bit. In Salvador it’s summer the whole year, while here in Porto Alegre it’s around 5 degrees now, in Salvador it’s around 27º!!!
This is the trip I’m doing today:
It’s a little bit more than 3.000 km. Probably worth it.
This is the first time I’m going to the northeast of Brazil, so I don’t have any picture to show… but I hope that this week I get back my writing here. So here it’s only a preview of what is expecting me. I know you, Canadians, are not that jealous… but I’m sure my friends here are hehehe, just kidding.
This is a famous elevator in the shore.
So get to go… I will post more during this next 10 days. See ya.
Well, after a whole morning trying to call to St. Lawrence and only being answered by recording machines, I thought: What a hell is going on on Kingston that all these people are not working at all. So I typed of facebook, and my dear canadian friends explained very patiently that today (July 1st) is CANADA DAY!
I’m jealous because we don’t have a BRAZIL or BRAZILIAN DAY…. that’s sad… Well I looked for some info… but you might know everything about it… so I took other approach… take a look on this video, it’s very good!
Congrats my fellow Canadians 🙂 (read till the bottom)
Dia primeiro de Julho é o dia do Canadá, o vídeo acima mostra o orgulho de ser canadense de uma forma meio sarcástica, mas o vídeo é bem produzido e está bem legal.
Como vocês devem suspeitar, essa data comemora a “criação” do Canadá. No dia primeiro de Julho de 1867 foi quando todos os estados que existiam se juntaram para formar um país. Eles ainda não eram livres, mas foi nessa data que começaram os trabalhos de liberdade. Na real acho que eles não são livres até hoje, pois eles devem respeito à rainha hehehehehe.
Para exemplificar consegui depoimentos de amigos para dizer o que os canadenses fazem nesse dia:
Chantelle Downling: “Esse é o dia que os canadenses ficam completamente bêbados, e dançam na chuva”
Tessa Gale: “É o dia de descanso dos mais velhos, e também aproveitamos para fazer um churrasco de hamburger, cachorro-quente e salada de batata caseira 🙂 Depois quem não tem mais o que fazer vai até o centro olhar os terríveis fogos de artifício… eles são uma droga todo ano :S hehehehe“
Esse foi um post misto… espero que tenham gostado 🙂
This was a mixed post, I hope you liked it 🙂
Obrigado, ttyl.
I was away for a few days because I went to my girlfriend’s farm. It’s a quiet and nice place around 300 km from were I live. We spent 4 very relaxed days there. I took very nice pictures to show here this week. I will start with a video that I did today. It’s simple but I think it’s nice because it shows the way we travel to get there and also some nice things that we have there.
Just for the record: I produced the song for this movie, the map animation in flash and all the videos and pictures in it. 🙂
I hope you like it, I haven’t had the opportunity to go to Canada’s country side, only in the winter. I would like to see it. I bet Kingstonians will say that I know Canada’s country side because I went to Kingston ¬¬ hehehehe
oh, you can see more pictures clicking HERE.
When I was in Canada we had the Valentines day; it’s not the same date as Brazil; here we celebrate on June 12. The date is not the only thing that is different; the Brazilian Valentines day has a different concept.
Here it’s more about Boyfriend and Girlfriend, and in Canada is more about love to everybody. I was wondering which would be a good way to show this difference to people that don’t live here… And I think I had a good idea.
Advertising is a reflection of the society, mainly culturally. So I’m going to show a couple of ads that show a bit of this boyfriend and girlfriend thing:
Valentines Day Iguatemi. Show that your love is FLEX: powered by luck and passion.
“Lovers use because they love” / Clothing store.
I hope the illustration helped! If you want more examples or it wasn’t enough, please let me know!
I’m traveling today to my girlfriend farm, so I will be out of town/internet until sunday. So if someone need something shoot a e-mail and wait :p I hope I can get good info for the blog over there, I’m taking the camera with me!
Obrigado, ttyl